Top 5 Foods to Avoid this Winter

Following are the top 5 Foods to avoid this winter.


1. Hot Drinks : 

Hot Drinks to avoid this winter







Nothing can replace the coffee or hot chocolate rejoice on a winter morning. Not to forget, a large full cream-latte of 480 ml contains 14 g fat and 1130 KJ. A small latte of 220 ml holds half the fat and KJ. Coffee even causes dehydration in some people. A cup of

A cup of Black  Coffeewithout milk and sugar ) can however be considered since it contains approximately 4.7 calories.


2. Fried Foods:

Deep Fried food to avoid this winter







Fried foods store trans- fats. This raises the risk of heart disease. Fried foods are loaded with trans-fats and calories, which lead to obesity. Hot chips seem comforting in winter months, but it’s actually fattening you up and is one of the foods to avoid in winter.


3. Dairy:

Dairy Products to avoid this winter







Reduce your dairy intake during winter. Milk and milk products like butter, cheese, and yogurt, etc. increases nose, throat & chest congestion.


4.White Flour:

White flour to avoid this winter







Use of bleach to remove the milled yellow of wheat makes it toxic. The Bleached and white colour flour can cause blockages in the large intestine and is considered as food to avoid in winter.


5. White Sugar:

Sweets to avoid this winter








This is mainly found in soft drinks, wine, beer, bread, chocolate, and breakfast cereals. White sugar affects the while blood cells and weakens the immune system.

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