Health benefits of Pearl Millet ( Bajra )

Bajra, or pearl millet is particularly popular in the western and northern parts of the Indian subcontinent. Over the past few years, pearl millet might have lost its popularity, but now, backed up with ample research and discoveries associated with the same, it has paved its path for this popular millet’s comeback in the recent times. This article lists a few of the many health benefits of Bajra that has made its comeback possible in the recent years.


Other names of  Pearl Millet –

  • Pennisetum typhoideum (Botanical name)
  • Kambu (Tamil) 
  • Bajra (Hindi)


Calories  in Pearl Millet (Bajra) :   361 K. cal / 100 gm


Major Nutrients Present in Pearl Millet :

Major Nutrients Present in PEARL MILLET ( Bajra )







Following are the Health Benefits of  Pearl Millet (Bajra):


  1. Pearl millet like rice and wheat is a good source of energy because of its high carbohydrate content.However, unlike rice and wheat , pearl millet does not contain gluten, which can be an added advantage for people who are intolerant towards the same or trying to stay clear of it.


  1. Pearl millet also contains a large number of essential amino acids that are required in the diet. Research has proven that these amino acids, the building blocks of essential protein molecules in the system, can be digested and absorbed by the body much more easily.


  1. Niacin, a vitamin with the reputation of lowering the cholesterol levels is abundantly found in pearl millet. This niacin also makes it easy for the body to maintain its cardiovascular health. Other than niacin, magnesium and potassium are also found in pearl millet, which helps in regulating blood pressure, helping your heart to be at the peak of its health.


  1. The dietary fiber and insoluble carbohydrates present in Bajra helps it to combat dysentery. Helping in stool formation and improving digestive health, Bajra also prevents constipation.


  1. Often increased amount of bile juices is associated with the formation of stones in the gall bladder. This clinical condition can be easily avoided by ingesting Bajra, which helps in controlling the over secretion of bile and thus the gallstones.


  1. Lignin, a Phyto-nutrient in Bajra can help you to combat cancer. It has proven particularly beneficial for women approaching menopause who stand at a greater risk of falling prey to breast cancer. Again, certainly one of the most crucial health benefits of Bajra that one can ever reap.


  1. Along with balancing the cholesterol levels, bajra can also help you to keep your insulin levels in check. Working as an anti-diabetic, bajra is yet another brilliant cereal option for diabetics.


  1. Pearl millet fills up the stomach for a long time and being a rich source of phosphorus, maintains a regular supply of energy to the body.

Other than that, pearl millet also provides substantial amount of phosphorus for repair of worn and torn tissues, concerned with lipid and nucleic acid injuries in the tissue.


  1. Reportedly, bajra has been used since the prehistoric times in the treatment of bleeding piles, tuberculosis and impotency. Therefore, we guess we have been ignoring all this while.


  1. The high fiber content of the pearl millet facilitates easy weight loss and aids the detoxification process by curbing frequent pangs of hunger and eliminating wastes from the body along with excess water.


Pearl millet can be incorporated in the diet in so many ways and given the health benefits of bajra, there is no denying that it will only benefit your body by healing it from the losses it has suffered in some time.


Points of Caution:

  • Excessive intake can cause uric acid deposits in systems.
  • Contraindicated for people with kidney disease and rheumatic disease.


Major Nutrients Present- Nutritive Value of Indian Foods from National Institute of Nutrition.